Heat pumps

TheTOP 10 countries in Europe in comparison and development until 2030

Competent market study with current industry data prepared comprehensively and in detail


  • 550 pages
  • 289 tables / graphs


  • German
  • English


  • 1st edition
  • May 2024


  • Euro 7,500,--
  • Orders for multiple studies are discounted
  • 20% discount for members of the furniture associations in Herford

With the experience of more than 40 published studies for the bathroom and sanitary market over the last 25 years, we have analysed the market for heat pumps completely independently for the first time. All other market data is published by trade associations and political institutions. They all aim to push the sale of heat pumps. Our data, however, is collected neutrally and evaluates all economic and political influences.

The market study answers the following questions:

  • How will the market for heat pumps develop until 2030?
  • Which distributors will sell heat pumps in the future?
  • Who will install heat pumps in the future?
  • How will prices develop?
  • How important will e-commerce become?
  • What opportunities does the DIY market have?
  • When and where will the craft sector be in command?
  • In which countries do suppliers of all-inclusive packages dominate?
  • What is actually still left for the sanitary trade?
  • What potential are we talking about when replacing heating systems?
  • How long will it take to modernise existing buildings?
  • What are the major differences in the TOP 10 countries?

Our market study is based on an identical survey method for the TOP 10 countries in Europe: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain and Poland. 

List of graphs TOP 10 countries comparison:

The selected TOP 10 countries

Study structure heat pumps in Europe

Gross domestic growth (GDP) from 2017 to 2025 in %

Average inflation from 2017 to 2025 in %

Private consumer expenditure from 2016 to 2023 in billions of euros

Private consumer expenditure from 2016 to 2023 per inhabitants in euros

Unemployment rate 2023 in %

Population development from 2010 to 2060 in 1,000 inhabitants

Private households 2022 by household size in %

Building completions in residential constructions from 2020 to 2025 in 1,000 units

Residental stock 2022

Age of residential stock by time period in %

Age of residential stock by time period in 1,000 units

Sold heating systems in total from 2018 to 2023 in 1,000 units

Sold heating systems by product groups 2022 in 1,000 units

Sold heating systems by product groups 2023 in 1,000 units

Age of heating systems in buildings by year in %

Age of heating systems in buildings by year in 1,000 units

Gas boilers by device types 2023 in %

Gas boilers by device types and countries 2023 in %

Gas boilers: Development by device types until 2030 in %

Oil boilers by device types 2023 in %

Oil boilers by device types and countries 2023 in %

Oil boilers: Development by device types until 2030 in %

Wood / pellet boilers by device types 2023 in %

Wood / pellet boilers by device types and countries 2023 in %

Wood / pellet boilers: Development by device types until 2030 in %

Average purchase costs of a heat pumpe 2023 in %

Production of heat pumps from 2018 to 2023 in million euros

Import of heat pumps from 2018 to 2023 in million euros

Export of heat pumps from 2018 to 2023 in million euros

Domestic market supply of heat pumps from 2018 to 2023 in million euros

Sold heat pumps 2018 to 2023 in 1,000 units

Stock of heat pumps 2023 in 1,000 units

Suppliers of heat pumps by nationality 2023 in %

TOP 10 manufacturers of heat pumps 2023   

TOP 30 suppliers of heat pumps according to  their retail presence - Part 1

 TOP 30 suppliers of heat pumps according to  their retail presence - Part 2

Heat pumps by product groups 2023 in %

Heat pumps by product groups and countries 2023 in %

Heat pumps: Development by product groups until 2030 in %

Heat pumps: Development by market participants until 2030 in %

Hotel market TOP 10 countries 2012 to 2022 

Prefabricated houses in the TOP 10 countries 2018 to 2023 in %

Prefabricated houses in the TOP 10 countries 2018 to 2023 in units

Heat pumps by price structures 2023 in %

Heat pumps by price structures and countries 2023 in %

Heat pumps: Development by price structures until 2030 in %

Gas boilers by price structures 2023 in %

Gas boilers by price structures and countries 2023 in %

Gas boilers: Development by price structures until 2030 in %

Oil boilers by price structures 2023 in %

Oil boilers by price structures and countries 2023 in %

Oil boilers: Development by price structures until 2030 in %

Wood / pellet boilers by price structures 2023 in %

Wood / pellet boilers by price structures and countries 2023 in %

Wood / pellet boilers: Development by price structures until 2030 in %

Development of electricity costs from 2018 to 2023 per KW/h in cent

 Income structure 2022 by income classes in 1,000 euros

Market shares by distributors 2023 in %

Market shares by distributors 2023 in units

Market shares by distributors 2030 in %

Market shares by distributors 2030 in units

International comparison of heat pumps sold in 2023

Replacement potential in heating systems until 2030

Changes in heating systems until 2030


List of graphs in each country report:

Production of heat pumps 2018 to 2023 in million euros

Foreign trade of heat pumps 2018 to 2023 in million euros

Domestic market supply of heat pumps from 2018 to 2023 in million euros 

Sold heating systems in total 2018 to 2023 in 1,000 units

Sold heating systems by products groups 2023 in 1,000 units

Age of existing heating systems 2023 in %

Age of existing heating systems 2023 in 1,000 units

Gas boilers by device types 2023 in %

Oil boilers by device types 2023 in %

Wood / pellet boilers by device types 2023 in %

Sold heating systems by product groups 2030 in 1,000 units

Sold heat pumps in total 2018 to 2023 in 1,000 units

Heat pumps by product groups 2023 in %

Heat pumps by price structures 2023 in %

Sold heat pumps in total 2024 to 2030 in 1,000 units

Hotel market in Germany 2012 to 2022

Prefabricated houses 2018 to 2023 in %

Prefabricated houses 2018 to 2023 in units

Market shares heat pumps by distributors 2018, 2020, 2023, 2025 and 2030 in 1,000 units

Market shares heat pumps by distributors 2023 in %

Market shares heat pumps by distributors 2030 in %


Your options for our market studies

Country reports are available for Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain and Poland.
All prices are excluding value added tax, For orders from abroad, please indicate your VAT number.

market study

The complete market study includes all 10 country reports as well as a comparative, analytical report section.

This compares the ten countries and their results, highlights the trends and shows the average values. . 


country reports

In addition to the complete market study, you can also order individual country reports at a price of EUR 1,500 per country.

These country reports also contain the background and the appendix of the complete market study. 


Supplementary strategy discussions

When ordering the complete market study, a two-hour strategy discussion with the author is included free of charge.

If you order individual country reports, we charge an additional EUR 300 per hour or part thereof for a strategy discussion.

Your individual 

Do you have an individual question that is not covered by this study or is not discussed in sufficient detail for you?

Then please use our enquiry form or contact us directly at info@titze-online.de.

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